Zerologon…Way More 1337 than Zero Cool

When a vulnerability hits 10 out of 10 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), people pay attention and so should you. CVE-2020-1472 did just that–it hit a 10 and is dubbed the “perfect” exploit by Tara Seals, author at While this exploit requires network access to already be established, it allows an attacker to obtain the “keys to the kingdom,” a.k.a. Domain Admin. With domain admin credentials, an attacker can do pretty much whatever they want on that domain: create new accounts, delete accounts, turn off security services, crawl through the network and pilfer pretty much any and all data that is under the purview of that domain.

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The Dangers and Ethics of AI

We’ve all heard of self-driving cars, but how about self-flying planes? Earlier this month, DARPA held a contest called AlphaDogfight ( The goal was to see if an AI could be developed to pilot an F-16 in a dogfight situation better than a human can. Teams from several companies competed and eventually the winner battled a highly trained human Air Force pilot in a simulated dog fight. An AI developed by Heron Systems defeated the other AIs and went on to defeat the human pilot as well. It wasn’t just a lucky shot either. There were five test battles and Heron’s AI shot down the human pilot in all five.

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Automating Green Thumbs

The current pandemic has left of us with more free time than ever before. Among the numerous activities begun these past few months, gardening was one of the fastest growing (see what I did there!). Seed suppliers were reporting shortages as people started growing personal gardens, nicknamed “Covid Gardens” or “Victory Gardens”. Typical reasons for starting a garden included finding extra free time, worries about supply lines being disrupted, or just wanting to limit time in stores. Whatever the reason for gardening, if you are anything like me, as the summer moves on and fall looms in the distance, the only thing my garden shows is how not green my thumbs are.  

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Covid-19 Contact Tracing

What is Contact Tracing?

Contact tracing is a technique used by public health authorities to measure and slow the spread of infectious diseases by identifying people who may have come into contact with an individual with an infectious disease, in this case COVID-19.

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Jailbreaking Mobile Devices 2020

Now you might ask yourself “Is this 2010?” since we are talking about Jailbreaking and Rooting phones. The answer is no, but it could be increasing in popularity again for everyday users to begin opening up mobile devices to dangerous third-party stores and applications after by-passing manufacturer’s security settings.

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