Author: Rick Ruby

Using AI Tools for a Successful School Year

It’s that time of year. Students of all ages are gearing up and heading back into the classroom. From preschool to graduate-level students, there are class lists, schedules, and supply lists. So, let’s make sure you’re ready. Pencils… Yes. Notebooks… Yes. Crayons… Of course! AI tools… the what? 

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The Art of AI

This time of year is a point of transition, where the beauty of spring grows into the blazing heat of summer. So, I tend to find activities that will get me away from the heat of a Georgia summer. One thing that helps me get my steps in and stay out of the heat is going to art galleries. Having spent some time studying art, I always find it fascinating to put myself in the artwork and into the artist’s perspective. A swarm of questions and thoughts hit me as I consider the source of inspiration for the art that I’m viewing.

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Universal Translator: AI Fact or Fiction?

It is always amazing to look back at old sci-fi movies and literature, getting glimpses of what the future may hold regarding technology. Whether it is the tv walls from Fahrenheit 451 or the communicators from Star Trek. So much of our technology today was inspired by the sci-fi genre, but none so intriguing to me as a universal translator. Sci-fi has showcased characters wearing a small device like a hearing aid to automatically shift foreign languages into their own native language.

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Automating Green Thumbs

The current pandemic has left of us with more free time than ever before. Among the numerous activities begun these past few months, gardening was one of the fastest growing (see what I did there!). Seed suppliers were reporting shortages as people started growing personal gardens, nicknamed “Covid Gardens” or “Victory Gardens”. Typical reasons for starting a garden included finding extra free time, worries about supply lines being disrupted, or just wanting to limit time in stores. Whatever the reason for gardening, if you are anything like me, as the summer moves on and fall looms in the distance, the only thing my garden shows is how not green my thumbs are.  

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Scammer, Beware: Potential Census Vulnerabilities

2020 is well upon us and marks some significant events for us across the nation. Not only is it an election year, but this year brings about the 24th National Census. This iteration of the Census is also significant, as it is the first to be conducted with the option to respond online as well as by phone or mail. The Census Bureau has been hard at work to ensure the protection of our personal information, but that does not stop scammers from attempting to take advantage of this opportunity. This event could be very lucrative for scammers using both technological and social engineering-based attacks.

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