

We work hand-in-hand with customers to develop and deploy solutions that keep pace with the real-world challenges posed by our adversaries. Whether it’s a large-scale cloud-based deployment, a single analytic, or an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model, IntelliGenesis engineers have the right-sized solutions to solve the hardest problems.

  • “[IntelliGenesis] built multiple web application solutions that have significantly decreased downtime for real-world operations, increased visibility and accountability for performance metrics, and simplified processes for trainers and operators.”

  • “…exceptionally supporting multiple real-time operational mission sets and collection systems. IntelliGenesis provides exceptional service through the (Subject Matter Experts) SMEs who exceed Labor Category requirements…”

Cloud Analytics

The biggest problems often require the biggest solutions. Our engineers harness the power of cloud computing to answer the most important intelligence questions using unique data sets you won’t find anywhere else. Data volumes continue to grow and present unprecedented challenges to analysis, efficiency, and compliance. IntelliGenesis’ innovative solutions process structured and unstructured data while optimizing information retrieval to provide timely and relevant solutions—and we do it all at petabyte and exabyte scale.

Artificial Intelligence

IntelliGenesis has long been a vanguard in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. Our engineers and data scientists regularly improve global cybersecurity capabilities through the development of new AI models that augment human decision-makers. Our predictive models provide early warning for threats across both cyber and physical domains, and our anomaly detection models learn about their environment to alert users when something unusual occurs.

We believe AI is a partner—not a replacement—for human creativity and ingenuity. The best way to work with a human is to speak their language so IntelliGenesis develops Natural Language models to understand, evaluate, and respond to human composed texts. We also engineer Adversarial Behavioral Agents that interact with users, add adaptive challenges in game-based training, and can adjust to the user’s skill level or provide unique scenarios upon each playthrough.

We strive to make our AI as good at working with humans as we are.

Mission Engineering

IntelliGenesis provides full-lifecycle development and engineering services to create novel solutions, tools, and applications that solve customers’ most complex problems. Our personnel also provide mission-critical 24/7 support during operational deployments and in response to real-world events. This support permeates all areas of software engineering: UI/UX, data transport, system interface layers, business logic, and storage. Wherever there is a mission need, IntelliGenesis engineers possess the knowledge, skills, and experience to meet and exceed it.

Underpinning all our efforts is IntelliGenesis’ proprietary data-driven process to align mission needs, customer objectives, and development processes to produce world-class tools for our users. IntelliGenesis uses a wholistic multifaceted approach to establish a software development process and increase efficiency over traditional development approaches.

Operational Optimization

Brilliant engineering is nothing without stable operational infrastructure to support it. Advancing ideas from the drawing board stage into a working prototype and, ultimately, to a fully operational capability requires flexibility to react to changing requirements. Our engineers stay responsive by using agile software development and DevOps processes that consistently ensure code quality, reusability, and adaptability, and produce well-tested, repeatable deliverables.

We also augment existing technologies with automation, intelligent data analytics and trend analysis, enrichment, reporting, and visualization capabilities. Our processes and products help customers save time and resources while increasing their productivity and the insights driving their mission success.

Core Technologies

Past Performance

  • XXXXXX-XX-F-1665 (Prime)

    Key Tasks: Cyber Threat Analysis; Threat Intelligence Reporting; Cyber Exercise Planning

    IntelliGenesis supported numerous real world operational cyber responses by providing a broad range of intelligence services to inform and enable leadership to make critical decisions in the defense of DoD networks. Our personnel performed technical intelligence analysis to identify emerging threats and determine their intent, capabilities, and tactics, techniques, and procedures. Our threat and intelligence assessments detailed potential vulnerabilities based on risk factors, technical configurations, or procedural deficiencies that make assets of interest or susceptible to adversarial activity. IntelliGenesis also performed cyber exercise planning to promote cyber operator readiness and proficiency across multiple organizations.

  • XXXXXX-XX-R-0399

    Key Tasks: Network Analysis; Network Intelligence Analysis; Signals Research and Target Development

    IntelliGenesis performed metadata analysis and reporting of high-value data and networks in support of Information Operations for numerous organizations. Our Analysts supported nearly all aspects of the SIGINT mission within the three main functional areas: Network Analysis, Network Intelligence Analysis, and Signals Research and Target Development. We developed advanced cyber analytics to enhance network analysis and the tradecraft involved in Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) at the physical, logical, and cyber persona layers. Our Computer Scientists also performed extensive reverse engineering analysis against zero-day exploits to enable signature development, threat detection, and optimization of stakeholder cybersecurity efforts.


Maryland Headquarters
6950 Columbia Gateway Drive,
Suite 450 
Columbia, MD 21046 USA

Georgia Office
100 Grace Hopper Lane,
Suite 3700
Augusta, GA 30901 USA

Texas Office
3331 General Hudnell Dr,
Suite 3
San Antonio, TX 78226 USA

Contact Info:



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