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Author: Jared Schultz

Using AI Tools for a Successful School Year

It’s that time of year. Students of all ages are gearing up and heading back into the classroom. From preschool to graduate-level students, there are class lists, schedules, and supply lists. So, let’s make sure you’re ready. Pencils… Yes. Notebooks…...

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The Art of AI

This time of year is a point of transition, where the beauty of spring grows into the blazing heat of summer. So, I tend to find activities that will get me away from the heat of a Georgia summer. One thing that helps me get my steps in and stay out...

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Dark Souls Remote Code Execution

Imagine you’re playing an online video game with your friends, streaming online, or whatever you do to pass the time with your favorite online game, when out of nowhere an image takes over your computer and starts issuing threatening messages...

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Hacking: As Easy As 1…2…3…

Hacking a computer is not hard, especially when security is not a priority for so many businesses out there. Look at any computer/network security focused website and pretty much every day you come across evidence of some hack being reported, most...

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Universal Translator: AI Fact or Fiction?

It is always amazing to look back at old sci-fi movies and literature, getting glimpses of what the future may hold regarding technology. Whether it is the tv walls from Fahrenheit 451 or the communicators from Star Trek. So much of our technology...

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Cybersecurity and Children

How to Keep Them Safe Online When I was a kid, about the only thing I had to worry about when using a computer was dying of dysentery while playing Oregon Trail. The threats that face computer users today, especially children who are not aware...

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